Hello World!

The very first thing to be ready
As a Java library, by reading this tutorial, it is expected that you have already learned the basis of Java, and knows about printing "Hello World!" to the console. If not, better take a lesson in the link given above.
Printing "Hello World!"

Printing "Hello World!" to the ev3dev device is what the easiest thing to deal with in Java.

                            package org.ev3dev.examples;
                            public class HelloWorldDemo { //HelloWorldDemo Class
                                public static void main(String[] args){ //Main method
                                    System.out.println("Hello World!"); //Print Hello World to System.out

Notice: LCD Graphics processing is quite slow on the EV3.

Besides of having "Hello World!" printed to the console, we can also write/draw it to the LCD.

                            package org.ev3dev.examples;
                            //Import necessary classes
                            import org.ev3dev.hardware.lcd.LCD;
                            import org.ev3dev.hardware.lcd.LCDGraphics;
                            public class HelloWorldLCDDemo { //HelloWorldLCDDemo Class
                                public static void main(String[] args){ //Main method
                                    LCD lcd = new LCD(); //Creates an ev3dev LCD instance
                                    LCDGraphics g = new LCDGraphics(lcd); //Creates a LCDGraphics instance, which has the same functionality of a Graphics2D class
                                    g.drawString("Hello World!", 50, 50); //Draws Hello World, takes some time on the EV3
                                    g.flush(); //Renders the image and flush to the LCD, takes some time on the EV3

That's easy right? Let's go deeper about the motors.